Most of us eat oranges, normally we throw out the peels, but what many of us are unaware of is that these peels are loaded with highly nutritious  compounds that are beneficial for our health. orange peel contains more than 60 types of flavinoids, and over 170 types of phytonutrients. in addition it is also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.


  • maida - 1 cup
  • orange juice with pulp - 1/2 cup
  • orange zest - 1 tablespoon
  • condensed milk - 1/2 tin
  • butter - 3-4  cube
  • fanta- 1/2 cup
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • icing sugar (acc. to taste)
  • cream- 200 ml


  • mix maida, baking powder and baking soda and strain it 2-3 times
  • in another bowl mix butter and condensed milk
  • then add fanta, orange juice with pulp, and orange zest  and mix it
  • later add the flour mix in the mixture and stir slowly
  • then grease the baking mould and pour the cake batter in it
  • pre heat the oven at 170 degrees and transfer the mould in the oven
  • and bake for 30-40 min
  • take out the cake from the mould and let it cool
  • then in another bowl add cream and icing sugar and put it on a ice filled bowl and stir it briskly to make the icing
  • the apply it on the cake and decorate it using orange pulp and serve it 


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