stUffEd kHasTa KacHoRi !!!

Hello people, I'm back again with a delight........ Last time i had come with an easy,wonderful EGG plant dish and today i'm with an Indian famous delight which is found on the streets of India and is loved by them, I'm sharing the recipe of this dish so that people from different part's of the world can even enjoy this delicacy.

The word "Khasta" means flaky and and this dish is the stuffed flaky  kachori........

  • Onion [2-3 chopped into small pieces]
  • Garlic [2-3 chopped into small pieces]
  • Green chilli [2 chopped]
  • Lemon juice [1 Tea spoon]
  • Mustard Oil [1 Tea spoon]
  • Roasted gram powder [1 cup]
  • Coriander Powder [1/2 Bunch powder]
  • Onion Seeds [1/2 Tea spoon]
  • Ajwain Seeds/Carum Seeds [1/2 Tea spoon]
  • Salt [As per taste]
  • Wheat Flour [2 cups]For Dough.
  • Water [To add in the wheat flour to make dough]
  • Firstly,take a bowl and add the flour in it and then add salt and little bit of oil to it and then mix well then add water add slowly while mixing so as to obtain a perfect dough.
  • After making the dough, Cover the dough and leave it for half and hour for rest.
  • Now take a separate bowl and add rest of the ingredients and mix well to obtain the filling for the kachori.
  • Now, take the rested dough and roll it into round-thin sheets.
  • Next we need to put the filling one by one in the middle of the rolled dough sheets and roll them into balls and then roll the balls again into thin-round sheets.
  • Now,take a pot and heat it. Then add oil [oil as you prefer] and wait till it is medium heated.
  • After the oil is heated add the thin stuffed sheets of dough slowly into the hot oil and wait until it is puffed up and is turned golden brown and then remove it and serve with chutney or sauce.
These crunchy,tasty,khasta,delightful kachori is to be served Hot.
I hope you enjoy this delight with your family and friends!!


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